We all need a good banana bread recipe! This recipe is designed to be higher in fiber and protein than the classic version, making it a nutritious and filling snack without compromising on taste. Servings: 1 banana bread Cooking time: 45 minutes Instructions

These no-bake oat bars are perfect to prepare on a hot summer day when you don’t feel like using the oven. This recipe is made with simple ingredients that come together wonderfully to create a nutritious and delicious snack. Servings: 12 bars Instructions

This chicken tacos recipe is ideal for a quick weeknight dinner! It can be prepared in under 30 minutes and is sure to be a hit with the whole family. If you prefer not to use the avocado cream, you can top your tacos with guacamole and sour cream. I recommend serving this meal with […]

Cette recette de tacos au poulet est parfaite pour un souper de semaine! Elle se prépare en moins de 30 minutes et plaira à toute la famille. Si vous souhaitez omettre la crème à l’avocat, vous pouvez garnir vos tacos de guacamole et de crème sûre. Je vous encourage à servir ce repas avec une […]

J’adore les choux de Bruxelles! Quand ils sont bien préparés, ils sont délicieux. J’aime quand ils sont bien rôtis et croustillants. Cette recette est parfaite pour la friteuse à air (air fryer), mais peut aussi très bien se réaliser dans le four (voir plus bas). Rendement : 4 portions Cuisson : 15 minutes Préparation Note

Brussels sprouts are one of my favorite vegetables. I love when they’re roasted and crispy. This recipe is perfect for the air fryer, but you can also make it in the oven (see note below). Servings: about 4 Instructions Note

For my second crostini recipe, I went with some totally different flavors: squash, bacon, and cheddar cheese.

This apple oatmeal breakfast is the perfect combination of delicious and nutritious. The flavors of apple, brown sugar and cinnamon will make your feel warm and cozy. Servings: 1 Cooking time: 2 minutes Instructions In a microwave-safe bowl, mix the oats, milk, apple sauce, brown sugar, flaxseeds, and cinnamon. Add half of the diced apple […]

Ce gruau aux pommes est la combinaison parfaite entre un déjeuner soutenant et délicieux. Les saveurs réconfortantes sauront réchauffer les journées fraîches de l’automne. Rendement : 1 portion Cuisson : 2 minutes Préparation Dans un bol allant au micro-ondes, mélanger l’avoine, le lait, la compote de pomme, la cassonade, les graines de lin et la cannelle. […]

With this recipe, my goal was to create delicious pancakes that would also be nourishing. After many many tries, I’m very happy with the result. These pancakes will give you the energy you need to start your day! Servings: 16 pancakes Instructions In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar for about 3 […]




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Nourishing & simple

par Laurie Pépin, Dt.P