There are many snack recipes on the blog, but one was missing – granola bars! In this recipe, you’ll find my favorite ingredients (again): peanut butter and chocolate! The best thing about those bars is that you only need a few ingredients and 1 bowl. Servings: about 16 bars Cooking time: 20 minutes Instructions Preheat […]

Are you a fan of the PB&J mix? These are the flavors I wanted to recreate in this oatmeal. What I like about overnight oats is that breakfast is ready when you wake up. You prepare it the night before and let sit in the fridge for the night. Makes the morning rush a little […]

Connaissez-vous le gruau préparé la veille? Le principe est simple : on prépare un gruau le soir, on le laisse reposer toute la nuit au réfrigérateur et on le déguste froid le lendemain matin. Il s’agit de la solution idéale pour les matins pressés ou pour varier les petits-déjeuners. Ici, les saveurs sont inspirées de la […]

The original version of this recipe holds a special place in my heart, as it was one of the first things I ever baked with my mom when I was young! It has since become a cherished family tradition. As a dietitian, I naturally decided to transform it into a nutritious snack without compromising on […]




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Nourishing & simple

par Laurie Pépin, Dt.P